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Capital Campaign Opportunities

Opportunities for sponsorships in our NEW JA Inspiration Center. Home to our two Capstone Programs, Betty's JA BizTown and JA Finance Park.

For more than 100 years, Junior Achievement has paved the way in teaching youth how to manage their finances and how to find their place in the job market. JA's programs like JA BizTown and JA Finance Park are robust tools that play a key part in the long-term outcomes for Nevada's economic sustainability. Our programs focus on educating students in personal finances and career exploration. Nevada has worked to diversify our economy for years, but has had difficulty ovecoming the issue of talent needed by the businesses we want to attract. Betty's JA BizTown is an incubator for upper elementary youth to be exposed to careers in Nevada that exist today and in the future. JA Finance Park explores the connection of education and earning potential while giving students the experience of what it's like to be an adult with bills, family responsibilities, credit decisions, and a monthly budget to balance for the month. Both programs are hands-on, experiential learning experiences that stay with sudents for a lifetime.

Junior Achievement of Southern Nevada is ready to build a permanent home for our two capstone programs, Betty's JA BizTown and JA Finance Park. At the JA Inspiration Center each year 84% of all 9th graders in Clark County will walk through the doors of this new facility to learn critical workforce readiness skills and financial literacy - that equates to 60,000 every year having these important life lessons! To prepare them for their hands-on learning experience, students engage in more than 12 hours of classwork to understand key concepts like saving, budgeting, expense control and investments.

JASN has been hard at work on this project and in February 2023 through the generosity of philanthropists purchased a 40,000 square foot facility debt free. The home for JA Inspiration Center is located at 4440 E Tropicana Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89121 in the heart of our community that is considered low to moderate income.

JASN has secured over $14 million dollars thus far towards completing this facility that will forever change the lives of our students! We would ask that our State of Nevada Leaders consider investing in the remaining capital funds that are needed to reach our financial goals on this project. We are confident that we will be able to match any funds you would provide and leverage your investment for other funds from philanthropist.

Thank you- Michelle Jackson, President, JASN

Project Highlights Junior Achievement of Southern Nevada
• $14 million raised privately
• 50,000 square foot building purchased outright (no debt)
• Up to 4 (60 passenger) buses donated by RTC
• Projected Cost to Complete JAIC $18 million
• Annual Student Reach in Clark County 84% of all 5th graders EVERY year in
Betty's JA BizTown and 84% of all 9th graders EVERY year in JA Finance Park
• 60,000 students EVERY year learning financial literacy & workforce readiness
skills = A Stronger, Smarter Nevada!

For more information about how you or your company can become a sponsor of our Capital Campaign and partner with Junior Achievement of Southern Nevada, please call Michelle Jackson, 702-214-0503 or

Capital Campaign Opportunities

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